Çerez Örnek

IO1 - Systematic mapping study for e-learning platform

Systematic mapping study for e-learning platform >>>


Outputs: Studies / analysis – Mapping, scientific literature review.

The aim of a systematic mapping study is to apply a systematic mapping study process and to produce a systematic map for e-learning platforms


All partners have contributed to the development of the Output 1- Systematic mapping study for e-learning platforms. An article titled as “Systematic Mapping Study on Collaborative Curriculum Development on e-Learning Platforms for PLM Master Courses”' was prepared to share the outcomes. The article was submitted to the Social Sciences Citation Indexed (SSCI) journal. The survey was initiated with the contribution of the whole team, and then analysis of the data and writing of the article were performed by a team from Polytechnique University of Valencia and Ege University.



Ege Üniversitesi